Welcome to 0→1

Come and disrupt norms with us.


In a world where traditional galleries and high-end auction houses used to set rules and boundaries, we’re erasing them. At 0→1, we’re fueling a fresh narrative where art and possibility collide. We’re making art accessible, creativity democratic, and welcoming anyone who dares to dream. You have the potential to be ‘the one’ — the artist, the curator, the collector.

Forget doors and gates; join a global conversation on art, design, and culture. We’re not just a platform; we’re a dynamic independent community that serves as a hub for art and meaningful discussions.

Beyond a digital gallery, explore what fuels artists’ creativity. Browse our e-magazine, get to know the talent behind the works, and snag a unique piece from our carefully curated shop.

0→1 is more than art; it’s a call to action. Our annual ESC initiative invites you to mix ideas about art, technology, and the environment. Through these interactive dialogues, we aim to start conversations on sustainability and deepen our collective sense of humanity.

Discover art. Together.


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Be part of 0→1

Got talent, need spotlight?

Amplify your art, join our circle. At 0→1, we spotlight artists like you, offering virtual exhibition space, limited edition collaborations, and interactive projects. Showcase your work, absolutely free.
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Virtual or brick-and-mortar space?

Boost your reach, join our community. At 0→1, we curate a diverse range of galleries — from artist-run spaces to digital platforms and traditional venues. Committed to nurturing creative talents, we offer custom plans to fit your unique vision.
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